Monday, December 20, 2010

Congresswoman Nan Hayworth Most Boring of Freshman Class?

Lets set aside all the gaffes that have garnered Nan Hayworth the few news headlines she has garnered since getting elected...such as supporting the "Prince of Pork" in what smacks of hypocracy for a woman promising to roll back federal spending, who spoke up against earmarks. eliminate those, and...well, Nan Hayworth has simply NOT BEEN NEWS WORTHY as she lavishly spends our tax dollars hiring Washington INSIDERS to staff her offices here and in Washington, DC. Set aside those couple of news items, and Nan Hayworth has shown herself to be a boring, stiff, uninformed wall flower, worthy of the label of "Most Boring Incoming Congressional Freshman." To be fair, maybe we will hear more from her when she stops sitting in Boehner's lap.

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We on this blog do not like Politicians...we like Republicans even less. Nan Hayworth was elected to send a message to Washington, not because she was a better choice...this blog is laying the ground work to defeat her in 2012.