Thursday, November 4, 2010

For The Record...Nan Hayworth's POLITICAL AGENDA

1. Repeal President Obama's health care reform law.

First, why is this woman at a young age a RETIRED ophthalmologist? A) She was not that good at it? B) She had too many claims against her Mal-Practice policy? C) Because she refused to see Medicare/Medicaid patients she raked in enough massive profits to retire? D) All of the above? Don't you just LOVE multiple choice?

2. Repeal the new Wall Street reform law...and you wonder why WALL STREET LOVES HER. This alone makes her a Sue Kelly clone.

By the way ran on cutting the deficit, and shrinking Federal Government, yet when asked for particulars YOU HAD NO ANSWERS...what are your plans for Social Security?

One last thing Nan...with your MONEY, hire a fashion consultant!

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We on this blog do not like Politicians...we like Republicans even less. Nan Hayworth was elected to send a message to Washington, not because she was a better choice...this blog is laying the ground work to defeat her in 2012.